Saturday, October 13, 2007

1st anniversary

As of October 10th, it marks my 1st anniversary here and a lot has happen in one year. From my daily live to my journey to becoming a published comic book writer.

On the home front, my son Thomas made 1st class in Boy scouts and he's now a Freshmen in High School and he's growing into a wonderful young man. My daughter Annakah is now a Junior in Girl Scouts and she's now in the 4th grade and she's growing into a beautiful young woman and Heidi and I are so very proud of both of them.

On the comic book front, Shadow Ride and Angela: Demon Huntress are 80% to 90% done and with a few more pages, they should be off to the printer before the end November.

Here's page 29 to Angela: Demon Huntress was colored by Blake Wilkie and the art was done by the talented artists of Komikers Studio.

Here's page 12 to "Shadow Ride". The page was done by the talented artist of David Llorente Cortés and colored by the talented artist of Guillermo Ucha. This will be the last page I can show until it's printed, because I don't want to spoil the ending.

Take care and have a great week...


Ron Fortier said...

Congrads on your first year of blogging Larry. And I have to tell you, I'm really anxious to see both these fine projects in print. Maybe almost as much as you. Ha. Note, I said always. Keep em coming.

Larry N Young said...

Thanks Ron and if everything goes right, I should have one or two of these book done by November.