Sunday, November 22, 2009

Another week has come and gone...

Well the basement is now cleaned out and it only took 4 days to do it. Well as I said last week, I was going to post some art work to books that are being published through High Voltage Comics. Here are the covers to Shadow Rider book 2 that I printed and it it's now over at Ka-Blam, just in case someone wanted to pick one up. Next week I'll be showcasing a lot more other books I'm working on.

Here is the cover to Shadow Rider Book 2.

This is the cover to the back up story to Shadow Rider book 2

Take care and have a great Holiday.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Not a good day so far.

Last night we had a very bad rain storm and today was going to be a family fun day and we were going to go out to Portland and make it a special day. But I woke up to fine the basement flooded with water and I thought I would drop a quick note before I continue cleaning up the basement and next week I'll have a few pages to show you all.

Take care and have a great week...

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Back on track once again.

Once again I'm going to start updating my weekly log entry every Saturday and I want to go back to posting on a regular schedule. It's been way too long since I write in my Blog and a lot has happened in these past months. So this is what’s been happening in my life at this moment in time. I’m been out of a job since May 4th 2009and I’m busy looking for a job as well as working on a few projects as well a spent time with the family.

Shadow Rider 2 is back from the printer and Shadow Rider book 3 is back from the artist and soon it will be heading over to the colorist.

Angelica the Demon Huntress book 2 is going to also be heading off to the colorist as well and hopefully I'll should have Shadow Rider book 3 and Angelica the Demon Huntress book 2 out to the printer before December.

I’m still working with an artist a graphic novel on Red Arrow Mystic Warrior and if everything goes right, it should be out this summer and I’m also working with another artist on another graphic novel that’s called The Chronicles of Fusion City and hopefully it should be out a little while after the first graphic novel comes out and I'll have a few pages to both of them next week.

Take care and have a great week...