Saturday, March 31, 2012

Well it's Saturday night, not know what to write about? I'm still waiting for pages to come in from a artist on one of my upcoming 110 page graphic novel, there's only twenty more pages to go and once it's finished. but I'm not going to tell you about right now till everything falls into place and then I'll post something on it. Maybe next week I'll post a few pages from it to show you where I am?

Take care and I hope to see you next week...

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Another years older...

Well today’s my birthday and I'm another years older and I hope wiser for living another year on this world. I didn't plain on staying away for this long and like I said many times before, I hope to be writing more on here and on also on weekly basis. So if your around on a Saturday evening, come on in and I could have something posted. 

Take acre,
