Saturday, October 27, 2007

The great news on "Shadow Rider" is that all the pages are now colored and ready for the letterer and they should be done no later then the middle of November and ready for the printer soon after that. Once again, the pages was done by the talented artist of David Llorente Cortés and colored by the talented artist of Guillermo Ucha. So if all goes right, then this book should be back in my hands no later then Christmas.

On other news. Ill be taken the family to the second annual Zombie mile walk this afternoon if the weather holds out. I hope to have pictures of that later on today and I'll post them when we come back home. This will be happening on upper Central Ave in Dover NH between the hours of 3Pm to 4PM. So if your in the neighborhood, please come on down celebrate the spirit of Halloween.

Take care and have a great week...

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