Sunday, June 03, 2007

The order of the Arrow...

Today was a proud day for the Young family. My son spent the weekend at Camp Hines . He and two other scouts in his troop were voted to join The Order Of the Arrow. It's another level of Boy scouts. He had to spend the weekend working on his Ordeal which involved alot of hard work and NO TALKING (which is a hard thing to do..ha ha) He pulled it off as you can tell by the pictures. Three cheers for Thomas. (now hopefully Eagle!!)


Ron Fortier said...

Congrads, Thomas...but geez, don't look so serious. Isn't this suppose to be fun? Ha.

Larry N Young said...

I guess after spending two night out in the rain with just a sleeping bag and a tarp. With all the Bugs for a mile wanted to take all of his blood. Thomas also had to do manual labor without talking for 24 hours. Then he came home to find his parents wanting to take photos of him in his uniform and that's why he isn't smiling..

He's tired.

Ron Fortier said...

Aha, so it was the overbearing parents who stuck a camera in the poor kid's face when he was exhausted...trick. Shame on you!

Larry N Young said...

I don't know how Thomas puts up with parents like us? Maybe someday he'll forgive us for all the photos we have taken of him over the years. God forbid, he might just end up doing the same thing to his kids in the future. Oh no the cycle will never end!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of him
we've got pretty great kids

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize how "stiff" looking he was in this picture..ha ha ha