Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Now for the waiting game...

Just like the song said. "The waiting is the hardest part" I'm now just waiting for a few artists to finish up working on coloring Angela: Demon Huntress and Shadow Rider and if everything goes right, I should be about to get these books printed up very soon.

In other news, due to the heavy snow that has fallen over new England on April 5th. We were one of the unlucky 111,000 customers of CMP (Central Maine power) to lose our electricity. From April 5th around 6:00 Am to 4:30 PM on April 6th. I forgot how hard life is without electricity and how we depend on it in so much in our daily lives.

Here are a few pictures from around the house.

Here is a recolored to page 1 of "Shadow rider" The pages are by David Llorente Cortés and the color work is by Blake Wilkie. These are two great talented artists. I hope you enjoy this page and I'll have some more pictures from my upcoming projects to show and the weeks to come.


Ron Fortier said...

We lost our power for 12 hours. Was maddening, for sure. And you are so right, we totally depend on electricity for everything.

Larry N Young said...

I have to tell you my kids were real trooper. When it got too cold in the house, they just bundled up to keep warm. But one of the things I felt bad about was not have a warm house or meal for them to have.

Anonymous said...

They were troopers...oh btw, you were too...ha ha ha
just kidding...just wanted to leave a quick message so you know I do look at this from time to time

Larry N Young said...

Thanks anonymous and you were also a trooper too...